Plesk 11.5.30 on CentOS


Let’s install Plesk not via the Autoinstaller but instead use the super useful tool called the One Click Installer. Instead of downloading a package and then installing it to get the ball rolling, One Click determines your OS and does the whole shebang in one fair swoop.

Here’s how to use it:

wget -O - | sh

Works a treat! You may have to yum install wget before you can use this command.

Should this method fail you can download the first file yourself and follow the steps in this article.

A more specific installation method

chmod +x ./plesk-installer
./plesk-installer --select-product-id plesk --no-space-check --select-release-id PLESK_11_5_30 --install-component base --install-component psa-autoinstaller --install-component pmm --install-component watchdog --install-component phpgroup --install-component webservers --install-component mysqlgroup --install-component postfix --install-component spamassassin --install-component backup --install-component horde --install-component nginx

Opening Ports 8443 and 8447

To accept the web interface we’ll need to tell our server that incoming web request are allowed to come in on these two ports. 8443 is for Plesk Panel, 8447 is for additional packages you can install via the web interface. Thanks a million to John Veldboom to this critical tip!

vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables

Now add the following two lines just under the INPUT ACCEPT section:

-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 8443 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 8447 -j ACCEPT

Restart the service for those changes to take effect:

service iptables restart

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