MikroTik remote logging using rsyslog

/etc/rsyslog.conf Uncomment these lines, since RouterOS sends log via UDP on port 514: $ModLoad imudp $UDPServerRun 514

/etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf Add line(s): :fromhost-ip,isequal,”192.168.x.1″ /var/log/mikrotik-Router1.log :fromhost-ip,isequal,”192.168.x.2″ /var/log/mikrotik-Router2.log

Restart the rsyslog service: sudo service rsyslog restart

Various ways to view logs: System Log Viewer (GUI) Terminal: tail -f /var/log/mikrotik-Router1.log

* Don’t forget to allow IP traffic through firewall

. . . → Read More: MikroTik remote logging using rsyslog